Emvex GmbH Klaus Hewerer Germany, D-01109 Dresden
Holzschutzgutachten Jens Hauswald Germany, Radebeul
- Offer & Request interior fittings & wood preservation expertise
KRAMER GmbH Cindy Stock Germany, 09247 Chemnitz
- Request We are looking for subcontractors (insulating, composition floor layer, floor tiler)
Atlas Paint Brushes and Tools Bruno Damasceno Germany, Hechingen
TASK Personal & Bewerbungsmanagement Jan Böhme Germany, Dresden
Tischlerei Wenk Marian Wenk Germany, Panschwitz-Kuckau
- Request Searching Supplier for Glas & Wood
Elektro Zentrum Großenhain EZG e G Marko König Germany, Großenhain
- Request Sub companys for electrical installation
Klemm Bau GmbH Benny Klemm Germany, 01683 Nossen
- Request Seeking sub contructor for dry construction and flooring
Licht- und Sonnenschutzanlagen Beeg Sieghard Beeg Germany, Klipphausen OT Miltitz
- Offer & Request distribution and installation of sunscreens/shadings
Private Arbeitsvermittlung Großenhain Thomas Proschwitz Germany, Großenhain
- Request Seeking personnel agencies & craftsmen for cooperation
Private Arbeitsvermittlung Großenhain 1 Thomas Proschwitz Germany, Großenhain
- Request Seeking personnel agencies & craftsmen for cooperation
Baugeschäft Geißler GmbH Andreas Geißler Germany, Dresden
- Request Construction works
Elektro Schuster GmbH Frank Schuster Germany, Wittichenau
- Request Looking for sub contructor for electrical installation
Teletek GmbH Helger Kretschmar Germany, Dresden
- Offer & Request Electrical installations, data networks and automation
CMF Creativ Massiv Flexibel Hausbau GmbH Sabine Kaufmann Germany, 12435 Berlin
- Offer & Request Requested are companies that would act either as distributors or subcontractors for our products.
Fuchs + Girke Bau und Denkmalpflege GmbH Enrico Böttcher Germany, 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
- Offer & Request specialists in preservation and restoration of monuments and historcal buildings
FELGNER Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG Albrecht Felgner Germany, Dresden
- Request Leads for constructions sites and cooperation
- Offer Security Technology products and services
Werner Stahl GmbH Peter Werner Germany, 04129 Leipzig
- Offer & Request Cooperations in the field of metal work/ steel construction
Drechslerei Frank Kühnicke Frank Kühnicke Germany, 04179 Leipzig
- Offer & Request Cooperation in the field of turnery and wood carver products
Bilateral Talks
- Participants114
- Meetings Requested386
- Meetings Accepted247
Czech Republic 64
Germany 19
Indonesia 4
Italy 1
Netherlands 1
Poland 13
Slovakia 1
Slovenia 13
South Korea 1
Spain 1
Ukraine 1
- Total of Participants120
Profile views
- Before Event9823
- After Event215712