Cech obkladačů České republiky/ Association of Tilers of the Czech Republic Eduard Justa Czech Republic, Praha 9, 190 00
- Offer & Request Offered tiling works; Seeking Association of Tilers abroad
SLADRO, s.r.o. Gabriela Slánská Czech Republic, Děčín
- Offer Construction services
ZAKK s.r.o. Boris Kováč Czech Republic, Praha
Limak TZB s.r.o. Jiří Došek Czech Republic, Praha 3
- Offer Air-conditioning installation, heat pumps, air ventilation
BIM Technology s.r.o. Rostislav Mareš Czech Republic, České Budějovice
- Offer Place your company in our BIMTech Tools or create your own BIM objects to boost your sales.
SwissCEE Agency s.r.o. Michal Gabaš Czech Republic, Praha
- Offer & Request Products and services around building industry; Market entry Switzerland
Private Arbeitsvermittlung Großenhain Thomas Proschwitz Germany, Großenhain
- Request Seeking personnel agencies & craftsmen for cooperation
Private Arbeitsvermittlung Großenhain 1 Thomas Proschwitz Germany, Großenhain
- Request Seeking personnel agencies & craftsmen for cooperation
Baugeschäft Geißler GmbH Andreas Geißler Germany, Dresden
- Request Construction works
Uni-builders s.r.o. Lenka Hrklova Czech Republic, Prague 4
- Offer ensuring German speaking carers for the elderly at home and recruitment services
Elektro Schuster GmbH Frank Schuster Germany, Wittichenau
- Request Looking for sub contructor for electrical installation
Uni-builders s.r.o. Lucas Hrkel Czech Republic, Prague 4
- Offer construction work
pribila&partner Martin Pribila Slovakia, Rohožník
- Offer Mole_House, Hügelhaus, Krtkodom
Teletek GmbH Helger Kretschmar Germany, Dresden
- Offer & Request Electrical installations, data networks and automation
CMF Creativ Massiv Flexibel Hausbau GmbH Sabine Kaufmann Germany, 12435 Berlin
- Offer & Request Requested are companies that would act either as distributors or subcontractors for our products.
GWA s.r.o. Boris Jedlička Czech Republic, Praha 10
- Offer & Request we offer production of big plastic fittings, we require pipes and small fittings from LPE
Zakład Malarski Jerzy Cieplik Jerzy Cieplik Poland, Krobia
NORASOTA a.s. Tadeusz Smugala Czech Republic, Ostrava
- Offer sealing and isolation materials
Zdenek Husnik Zdenek Husnik Czech Republic, Jablonec nad Nisou
- Offer Offer of reconstruction and renovation of buildings
Fuchs + Girke Bau und Denkmalpflege GmbH Enrico Böttcher Germany, 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
- Offer & Request specialists in preservation and restoration of monuments and historcal buildings
Bilateral Talks
- Participants114
- Meetings Requested386
- Meetings Accepted247
Czech Republic 64
Germany 19
Indonesia 4
Italy 1
Netherlands 1
Poland 13
Slovakia 1
Slovenia 13
South Korea 1
Spain 1
Ukraine 1
- Total of Participants120
Profile views
- Before Event9823
- After Event215701