Radek Říha


Bilateral Meetings

  • (13.00 - 15.00)
DescriptionGoopan houses offer more than standard. They are built building system, which has a long tradition in the Czech but also on foreign markets (Belgium, France and Switzerland). This construction system were built hundreds of houses as well as commercial buildings.

Goopan is a building system, which consists mostly of sandwich panels with a size of 3.5 square meters (standard panel is 2.8 meters high and 1.25 meters wide) and other structures from which you can build a whole house. Goopan concept is not only modular system, but primarily related ancillary services that offer solutions not only in the technical field, but also in marketing and finance. Goopan panels are a simple structural elements of a new generation with technology of diffusion - open / closed buildings. They enable quick and accurate construction of a house with very low energy consumption.  With Goopan building system can be built 95% of the projects because of its wide range of architectural features.

Goopan je stavební systém, který se skládá převážně ze sendvičových panelů o velikosti 3,5 m2 (standardní panel je vysoký 2,8 m a široký 1,25 m) a dalších konstrukcí, ze kterých můžete postavit celý dům. Koncept Goopan není pouze stavebnicový systém, ale především související doplňkové služby, které nabízejí řešení nejen v technické oblasti, ale také v marketingu a financování. Panely Goopan jsou jednoduchým stavebním prvkem nové generace s technologií difuzně otevřených/zavřených staveb. Umožňují rychlou a přesnou výstavbu domu s velmi nízkou energetickou náročností. Ze stavebního systému Goopan lze postavit 95% projektů na míru díky široké škále stavebních prvků.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities



    Our company offers Goopan houses that are built of a building system Goopan.

    Goopan is a building system, which consists mostly of sandwich panels with a size of 3.5 square meters (standard panel is 2.8 meters high and 1.25 meters wide) and other structures from which you can build a whole house. Goopan concept is not only modular system, but primarily related ancillary services that offer solutions not only in the technical field, but also in marketing and finance. Goopan panels are a simple structural elements of a new generation with technology of diffusion - open / closed buildings. They enable quick and accurate construction of a house with very low energy consumption. With Goopan building system can be built 95% of the projects because of its wide range of architectural features.